Thang X. Vu (@sinzii)
My own journey to the west
This is my first post while the blog is still in development. Usually, we only start blogging after the site is officially launched. But I thought it would be interesting to start blogging when the site is still incubating. I will update the blog development process along the way and it’s a good idea to save some thoughts to look back in the future to see how much I was growing over time.
Anyway, this blog is intended to be a space where I publish all of my writing from now on. I would write about all sorts of stuff, but mostly about programming, engineering, and personal thoughts in English or Vietnamese.
I look forward to see how things will turn out in the future!
A lonely afternoon (again) at the café near my house
Updated: Just in case you don’t get the metaphor behind the title. Please follow the link.